Hong Kong

RedBall Project by American artist Kurt Perschke is considered the world’s longest-running street artwork, and Hong Kong is thrilled to welcome the internationally renowned public artwork from 6 to 15 December as it introduces newfound wonder into 10 culturally significant locations across the city. 

Hong Kong will be the 48th stop on the artwork’s world tour, which began in 2001 and has bounced from Paris to Chicago, London to Tokyo, and earlier this year in Tainan. The highly acclaimed and much-loved public work moves through the city to a new site each day for the public to interact with, creating a short series of art and architectural interventions. The pre-released schedule, set to be announced in mid-November, allows everyone to engage with the project and encourages locals and tourists to plan their visit in advance and interact with RedBall Project.

Hosted as part of BODW in the city, RedBall Hong Kong is set to be a city-wide celebration with local artist crossovers, brand collaborations and event activations inviting people to engage with the project, sparking creativity and imagination across the city. From Hong Kong Island to Kowloon, RedBall wedges itself into local architecture, encouraging participants to think about the cultural and historical significance of these interventions while giving people an opportunity to view locations one might walk past every day with a fresh perspective.  

由美國藝術家Kurt Perschke創作的紅球計劃被譽為「世界上最有韌力的街頭藝術作品」。今年12月6日至15日,這件風靡全球的藝術作品將首度現身香港,「潛入」本港10個重要文化地標,邀約公眾一齊尋找紅球的蹤跡。


紅球巡展香港是「BODW in the city」的夥伴活動之一,透過結合與本港藝術家的跨界合作、品牌聯乘和活動節目,誠邀公眾親臨現場與紅球互動、投入城中創意氛圍,激發全城的無限想象力與創造力!紅球將會被巧妙地「塞」進位於香港島及九龍的特色建築中,吸引路過的觀眾駐足欣賞,思考並重新審視這些互動藝術背後的文化和歷史意義,同時誘導觀眾以嶄新的視角看待那些日常生活中習以為常的地點。

RedBall Hong Kong Press Contact:


Anne Ling /  Michelle Shiu


Performance Dates and Hours

Friday, 6 December – Sunday, 15 December

11am – 6pm